Macerata - Diaz Gardens

Created in 1897, the Giardini Diaz (Diaz Gardens) represent the most important green area of the city, a pleasant place for walks and as a children's playground. Reopened in 1998 after about a year of restoration works, the gardens are divided into themes: the water garden and its pond, aquatic plants and water features; the rose garden, with its wide variety of old roses and modern; the emblem of the city and a calendar; the garden of the five senses with plants that stimulate the senses through their colors and scents, and in which a game that stimulates one's hearing has been installed; the garden of the animals with tree species that give fruits hunted by birds and where a number of games for children have been installed. Here can also be seen several hundreds of plants and shrubs of many species including plane trees, lime tree and over 40 horse chestnut trees, some of which original, about 200 species of aquatic plants, camellias, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, roses, herbs, acidophilic, and much more. At the center of the gardens there is a fountain inspired by the theme of the day and night, with water jets of different heights. Many are the flower beds, the walkways, the cobblestone paths and also the lawns, on which you can lie down and walk freely, and, in short, here is a real garden to be lived fully. To preserve trees and vegetation, it has been built an artistic fence of one metre and eighty. This restoration project has won the 1999/2000 edition of the "National Competition of Landscape Architecture of AIAPP and Acer", "for the originality of the solution adopted... (...) the strong creative contribution ... (...) the exuberant and generous expression, proper of the Italian cultural tradition of gardens and landscapes ".

The Attractions of Macerata

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Itineraries to visit Macerata