The art gallery is situated in the church of S. Pietro and Paolo and has remarkable works: the Madonna che allatta il Bambino (1372) by Andrea da Bologna, three fragmentary parts of the politico by Antonio and Bartolomeo Viviani, the Madonna che allatta il Bambino entro ghirlande di Cherubini, painted on a board by Carlo Crivelli, the Madonna col Bambino e Santi (1481) by Lorenzo d?Alessandro, painted in tempera on a board, contained in a gothic frame.
OPENING TIME: Aperto su richiesta con 24 ore di anticipo
To see: Corridonia - Abbey of San Claudio al Chienti, Corridonia - Cogiskart, Corridonia - Hippodrome Martini, Corridonia - Museum "F. Corridoni
Flavors and Craft: Corridonia - "Contesa della Margutta" (Contest of the Margutta), Corridonia - Infiorata of Corridonia
Artisan excellence in the Marche
Skills and expertise 5 days
A journey between knowledge and meditation
Spirituality and Meditation 5 days