Muse Theatre


At the end of Corso garibaldi, Ancona's main arterly, you will find Le Muse Theatre: neoclassical in style and built in 1826 it presents an elegant facade. The Theatre was damaged during the Second World War air raids and was not in use for many years. The new architectural restoration project (completed in 2002) was based on research to create a harmonious relationship between the modern interior and the neoclassical facade. The result is an atmospheric place, a "theatre-plaza" built and rebuilt with materials that recapture the nomadic and temporary spitirit inherent of a performance (wood and metal, trellises and galleries) as well as the spirit of the urban monument (bricks and stones, wide-reaching areas to welcme the public). The fireproof stage curtain is also ofartistic significance, created by sculptor Trubbiani, seen as an immense rolling shutter opening the scene, with bronze decorations on a black background.

At last the theatre is once again a place for important operas, plays and concert performances. It is a centre for events of national and international standing, an "old and new" architectural subject rich with a history full of evocative atmospheres.

In 2014 Marche Teatro is relaunching this production, offering the best among the creative works in the repertoires of the theatres that participate in the project: 16 works employing 111 people in a total of almost 9,000 working days. These works feature the following artists and productions: Carlo Cecchi with William Shakespeare’s “La dodicesima notte” (new production), Alessandro Sciarroni with “Untiled”, “Folk-s” and “Joseph”, Glen Çaçi “Hospice” (new production), Davide Calvaresi “Job” (new production) and “A Play”, Arturo Cirillo “Scende giù per Toledo” by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi (new production), Mattia Torre “456”, Giacomo Ciarrapico “Stare meglio oggi”, Eleonora Diana/Daniele Catalli “Le stanze segrete di S.”, Compagnia Musella/Mazzarelli “La società”, Francesca and Stefano Tosoni “Volevo solo fare Amleto” (winning project of Game 2013), Compagnia Nim “La mamma più forte del mondo” (winner of Game 2012), and Lino Terra’s project Tutti i Teatri. Regarding hospitality, for the 2014/15 season Marche Teatro offers 11 plays at Teatro delle Muse in Ancona, featuring the best among Italian classical works, renowned directors and performers, for the first time opening the door to some international companies, and this will enrich the usual calendar with dance and contemporary theatre.


The Attractions of Ancona

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Itineraries to visit Ancona