Fabriano - The "Gentile da Fabriano" Theatre


From an acoustic point of view, the Gentile da Fabriano Theatre (1884) is one of the most important of the Marche. The interior and the curtain of the theatre are embellished with paintings by Luigi Serra (1880), while the chiaroscuro decorations were made by Luigi Samoggia from Bologna. The entrance to the theatre was built in neoclassical style and divided into two flloors: the lower floor consists of a three-arche porch decorated with Doric pilasters, and the upper floor is made of a lodge closed with glass and Ionic pilasters. The foyer has a rectangular plan and the stalls has a horseshoe plan with four orders for a total of 91 dais. The vault of the room is on the back wall of the upper balcony. The famous painting by Gentile da Fabriano is on the curtain with impressive blacklight effects.


The Attractions of Fabriano

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Fabriano