Monsampolo del Tronto

Corso Vittorio Emanuele III, 87 - Monsampolo del Tronto (AP)
0735.703044 0735.706004

Monsampolo del Tronto is about 20 km far from Ascoli Piceno, 12 km from S. Benedetto del Tronto, 2 km from the State road SS. 4 Salaria. It enjoys a nice view over the Tronto valley, the hills of this southern part of the Marche, the Sibillini mountains, the Gran Sasso and the Adriatic Sea. It’s mainly on a hilly land and partly flat.

The municipality was named after St. Paul, whom the first church built in the castle was dedicated.

Nowadays it’s divided into two parts: the historic centre on the hill and the new urban area, including the industrial area, near the Tronto valley, which is called Stella di Monsampolo.

Worthvisiting in the Renaissance village   are the 17th century convent of San Francesco and its interesting cloister, the Palazzo Malaspina, the Palazzo Guiderocchi in Castello square with underneath a Knights Templar’s tile, the Archeological Museum, the Civic Museum, the permanent  exhibition of nativity scenes, the church Maria SS. Assunta and the abbey Saints Benedetto and Mauro.

The underground  tour of Monsampolo is particularly intriguing. It includes an underground route, the Museum of the Crypt where 20 Picene mummies found in this place are exhibited. They’re exceptionally preserved and they’re displayed together with the other objects, including clothes, found during the excavation works.


Monsampolo del Tronto

Corso Vittorio Emanuele III, 87
Monsampolo del Tronto (AP)
0735.703044 0735.706004


The Attractions of Monsampolo del Tronto

 Attraction location

Monsampolo del Tronto things to Watch

Discover the attraction Monsampolo del Tronto: the Thomist library of St. Alessio

Monsampolo del Tronto: the Thomist library of St. Alessio

With the aim of making available to the public a private collection as a source of information, Giovan Battista Corradi , a man of learning and prelate who was...

Discover the attraction Monsampolo del Tronto - Abbey of Saints Benedetto e Mauro del Tronto

Monsampolo del Tronto - Abbey of Saints Benedetto e Mauro del Tronto

The  little church of St. Mauro is in the lower part of the Tronto valley, in the hamlet Stella di Monsampolo. It’s what is left of the old monastic...

Discover the attraction Province of Ascoli Piceno: Bike trail along the Tronto river

Province of Ascoli Piceno: Bike trail along the Tronto river

The cycling path winds its way in the province of Ascoli Piceno. Starting from Spinetoli, a flat municipality, you can cycle along the path whose main three...

Discover the attraction Monteprandone: The St. James della Marca Library

Monteprandone: The St. James della Marca Library

Among the libraries of the high medieval period belonging to monasteries and bishops exclusively reserved for Franciscan monks’s use, the library of Santa...

Discover the attraction Monteprandone - S. Giacomo della Marca

Monteprandone - S. Giacomo della Marca

San Giacomo della Marca, whose real name was Domenico Gangale, was born in Monteprandone, in the province of Ascoli Piceno, on 1st September 1393. During his...

Discover the attraction Church of St. Francis

Church of St. Francis

This is considered as the most ancient Franciscan complex in the entire Marche region, since it was founded by Saint Francis of Assisi himself following the...


Itineraries to visit Monsampolo del Tronto