The Komaros Sub Ancona joins the Italian Federation of Fishing and Underwater Activities and the Italian Swimming Federation (CONI). It was founded in 1983 by some of the most representative members of Ancona diving. Its staff includes Italy's champions of underwater fishing. The members of the club share a common passion for the underwater world and take care of all the aspects of the activities, including competitions, promotion, teaching and photography. The wins in competitions of underwater spearfishing on national and regional championships are countless. Since 1986 the company has been organizing federal courses of diving, releasing FIPSAS /CMAS certifications of all levels. The club boasts eleven diving instructors, five underwater fishing instructors, eight assistant instructors and underwater guides. The lessons are held throughout the year with winter and summer courses both in the pool and in the sea. The underwater photography fans of the club organize exhibitions or projections every year and draw large crowds. Since 1987 the racing team of master swimming has been taking part in regional and national competitions both in the pool and in the open sea, gaining great success. Since 1993 the Sub Komaros club has been involved in the organization of a middle-distance race called "Mile of Passetto". Today it has become an unmissable event of Italian swimming at the end of July.
To see: National Archeological Museum of the Marche Region, Muse Theatre, Ancona - the Cathedral of St. Cyriacus, Museum - Omero Tactile of Ancona, Ancona - Church of Santa Maria di Portonovo, Ancona – Pinacoteca Civica (Civic Picture Gallery) "F. Podesti" Locations and collections, Diocesan Museum, Ancona- Convent of S. Francesco ad Alto, Ancona, the Cardeto Park, Ancona - The ancient port
Flavors and Craft: Portonovo wild Mussels Slow Food Presidia, Rosso Conero DOC, IGT Marche, Ancona - Mechanical Nativity of Montesicuro, Ancona - Market of Ancona, Ancona's Stockfish, The Brodetto of Ancona, Ancona - The tenor Franco Corelli, Ancona - The Market of the Herbs
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