Ancona - Belvedere Park


Located in a very charming panoramic position in the Posatora district of Ancona, the Belvedere Park overlooks the harbor and the core of the historical  city centre. Legend has it that here the angels traveling to Loreto would have laid the Holy House here, to rest (the district takes its name after this fact: posa et ora, lie down and pray). Since its inauguration in 2005, entertainment events during the Summer evenings are organized. In addition to the park itself, where a small modern amphitheater for shows has been built, interesting are the 13th C. church of Santa Maria Liberatrice (Ancona) and a vast 19th C. villa, now being recovered, where King Vittorio Emanuele II stayed, the day after Ancona was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy. 


The Attractions of Ancona

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Ancona