Ancona - Church of San Domenico


The Church of San Domenico was built between 1765 and 1788 by the Roman architect Carlo Marchionni. The present Church was built on the site of an old medieval Church which dated back to 1364, according to some historians. Outside, the temple is characterized by the wide staircase with two side ramps and the majestic two orders facade: the lower one, in white marble, is divided into three parts with pillars and columns enclosing the portal, two niches without statues and the side entrances; on the contrary, the upper one is incomplete. The interior has a single nave covered with a barrel vault, with three side chapels on each side, whose arches are framed by pilasters. These are adorned with ten statues of saints and blessed of the Dominican order and ten medallions of Joachim Varlè. Among the works of art that the church holds, several statues and medallions of Joachim Varlè stand out; a Crucifixion by Tiziano Vecellio on the high altar; a Guercino's Annunciation on the first altar on the left; a Madonna of the Rosary, always by the Varlè, in the second chapel on the left. In the sacristy, a Madonna Incoronata (Crowned Madonna), a work of the fourteenth century, can also be admired.

Address: Piazza del Plebiscito, Ancona 
phone: +39 071 202011


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