The extra muros Saint Mary Church and monastic complex date back to the 1300. A part of the museum containing artifacts and artworks showing the local culture has been renovated recently. The archaeological section has Neolithic and Roman objects: lapidary and statuary unearthed during the excavations in the Domus del Mito.
OPENING TIME: Closed on Monday. Every day: 9.30 am-12.30 pm -3.30 pm -6.00 pm
To see: Federico and Taddeo Zuccari Theatre, The Domus of Myth, Sant'Angelo in Vado- Church of S. Michele Arcangelo
Flavors and Craft: Sant'Angelo in Vado - National Precious White Truffle Fair in Sant'Angelo in Vado
A journey into the past
Art and Culture 5 days
Hospitality and spirituality for modern pilgrimages
Spirituality and Meditation 6 days