Federico and Taddeo Zuccari Theatre

To date, the Theatre of S. Angelo in Vado is still the heart of copious activities: theatrical performances range between the most varied fields, such as comedies played by local troupes, classics, dramas and classical-music performances. Famous guests followed one another too: among the latest theatre seasons Flavio Oreglio, Corrado Tedeschi, Johnny Dorelli, Ugo Dighero, Nada, Pippo Franco, Giobbe Covatta, Leonardo Manera, Max Pisu can be mentioned. The Provincial Festival “Il Teatro della Scuola” (The Theatre of Schools) is also of great importance, a chance for children and teenagers -from kindergartens to high schools- to grow up and live together an experience of remarkable human, social and recreational value, able to make considerable amounts of audience come closer to the world of theatre.

The Attractions of Sant'Angelo in Vado

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Sant'Angelo in Vado