Ascoli Piceno - Franciscan Route of "Marca"

It's a spiritual, cultural and tourist route (167 km) with eight stop overs involving 2 regions (the Marches and Umbria), 4 provinces (Perugia, Macerata, Fermo and Ascoli Piceno) and 16 municipalities ( 13 towns in the Marches: Serravalle del Chienti, Muccia, Valfornace, Caldarola, Cessapalombo, Fiastra, San Ginesio, Sarnano, Amandola, Comunanza, Palmiano, Venarotta and Ascoli Piceno). You cross the places where Saint Francis used to preach in Southern Marche.

Every year a one week trail is organized: you start the tour in Ascoli Piceno and reach Serravalle del Chienti, crossing Umbria until Assisi. You follow the route that Saint Francis did in 1215, combining ideally the sanctuary of Assisi with the tomb of Saint Emidio from Ascoli, the patron of earthquakes. 

The 180 km route offers a unique and extraordinary variety of landscapes, allowing the pilgrim to make a cultural journey evoking history, from the pre-Roman and Umbrian civilizations to Roman ruins witnessed by the cities of Ascoli Piceno and Assisi. You can also appreciate the Carolingian and Lombard treasures, medieval villages, Renaissance and Baroque jewels. Country churches, chapels, parks, rivers and wild gorges are some of the treasures to be found in this unforgettable journey.

The Attractions of Ascoli Piceno

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Ascoli Piceno