Ascoli Piceno - "Piazza Arringo"


The City of Ascoli Piceno does praise an additional centre of civic aggregation, "Piazza Arringo", the Arringo Square, which takes its name from the public assemblies held since the early stages of the political life of the city. In a broader perspective, this place has been liaising the civil and religious poles of Ascoli across time, due to the presence of the"Duomo di Sant'Emidio", the Cathedral, of the Episcopate buildings and of the Town Hall. Additionally is located the Municipal Art Gallery.
Giuseppe Marinelli reports that in the year 1152, in the center of the square, was a high stone gallery designed to accommodate the speakers. From this, the people of Ascoli listened to St. Francis of Assisi in 1215.


The Attractions of Ascoli Piceno

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Ascoli Piceno