"Ca' Mocetto" Balcony - Urbania


From the "Ca' Mocetto" Balcony near Urbania, you can see the landscape painted in the famous "Portrait of Federico da Montefeltro" by Piero della Francesca. The portrait is preserved at the Uffizi in Florence. The "complex", which originally was the Palace of Urbino, probably exposed in a wall of the "courtroom" came to the Galleria degli Uffizi in Florence in 1631 along with the heritage of the Della Rovere family, when the ducal lineage was extinguished. The landscape in the background is still visible today. In this case, we are on the plain of the river Metauro between Urbania municipalities, Peglio and Sant'Angelo in Vado. In the background to the horizon is barely visible Sant'Angelo in Vado and around the Tuscan-Marche Appenines with Massa Trabaria,  Alpe della Luna, Sassi Simone e Simoncello and the Carpegna Mountain. The Metauro river winds along the plain between cultivated fields and rows of trees up to expand its bed to turn into a large body of water. On the left of the painted landscape, the river and the lake lapping the Montefeltro Lords' hunting grounds: the Ducal Barco. It is possible to visit the balcony which is located between Urbania and Sant'Angelo in Vado.

For further information:


"Ca' Mocetto" Balcony - Urbania

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 1
Urbania (PU)
0722-313111 0722 317246

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