The route map


Piero della Francesca in the Marche


The secrets of Renaissance innovation in perspective

Piero della Francesca (Borgo San Sepolcro 1420 – 1492), was one of the most emblematic figures of the Italian Renaissance. His work acted as a link between the geometric perspective of Brunelleschi, the sculptural quality of Masaccio, the clear and all-pervading brightness of Beato Angelico, and the accurate description and careful attention to reality of the Flemish artists. Other basic traits of his works are the geometric simplification of both compositions and volumes, the extreme rigour of the perspective, the expressive use of light, the sculptural grandeur of the figures and his attention to human realism. 

The Balconies of Piero della Francesca, all equipped with a specific location, are evocative panoramic points that look out over rediscovered landscapes, with breathtaking views of the Romagna and Marche regions. The basic idea of the Terre di Piero project is to offer a full immersion in the artist’s world in the regions that acted as the backdrop to his work: Marche, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and Umbria. Seeing his works first hand and travelling through the landscapes that became the settings for his paintings, visiting the places in the regions and the seigneuries of his times, from the Malatesta to the Medici passing through the Montefeltro, are one way of making the viewing and understanding of his masterpieces a unique and unrepeatable experience. Piero della Francesca left around twenty or so of his major works in the Marche: the Flagellation of Christ and the Madonna di Senigallia, conserved in the National Art Gallery of the Marche, in the splendid setting of the Ducal Palace in Urbino. In parallel with this, the ‘Montefeltro Renaissance Sights’ project sets out to shed light on the “invisible landscapes” and reveal to the world the “painted landscapes” that Piero della Francesca chose as background for his works.

Piero della Francesca in the Marche


Attractions along the route

Discover the attraction of

"Ca' Mocetto" Balcony - Urbania

From the "Ca' Mocetto" Balcony near Urbania, you can see the landscape painted in the famous "Portrait of Federico da Montefeltro" by Piero della Francesca...

Discover the attraction of Pieve del Colle Balcony

Pieve del Colle Balcony

"From the Balcony in Pieve del Colle, you can admire the amazing backdrop of the Triumphant Chariots of the Diptych of the Dukes of Urbino. Federico and...


Locations along the route


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