OPENING TIME: Prima domenica di settembre
To see: Corridonia - Abbey of San Claudio al Chienti, Corridonia - Art gallery, Corridonia - Museum "F. Corridoni, Corridonia - Hippodrome Martini, Corridonia - Cogiskart
Flavors and Craft: Corridonia - Infiorata of Corridonia
Created in 1897, the Giardini Diaz (Diaz Gardens) represent the most important green area of the city, a pleasant place for walks and as a children's playground...
The museum displays a collection of photographs, documents and personal belongings of Filippo Corridoni, trade unionist and First World War hero.
The art gallery is situated in the church of S. Pietro and Paolo and has remarkable works: the Madonna che allatta il Bambino (1372) by Andrea da Bologna, three...
The Kart Track CogisKart is one of Europe's most important kart tracks and has hosted many important international competitions. The track has a width ranging...
The Hippodrome is located along the main road, on the edge of the town. It occupies an area of 92,000 square meters, of which 13,000 for the public, 15,000 for...
The Macerata Sub Diving Center is a diving school founded in 1985 and recognized as a PADI center; it boasts instructors that take individual lessons and group...
Artisan excellence in the Marche
Skills and expertise 5 days
A journey between knowledge and meditation
Spirituality and Meditation 5 days