Corridonia - "Contesa della Margutta" (Contest of the Margutta)

As handed down by the historians of the fifteenth century, it took place in Montolmo ( once Pausola and today Corridonia) a horse race to the Ring, called Margutta. This name was given to a rough "Saracen" with feminine features, hoisted on a rotating pole in the square at fairs and markets, against which the knights belonging to the different districts launched themselves, in order to bring the highest possible number of points to get in return an artistic standard, commonly called Palio (painted by famous painters of the territory). In 1996, after several years of neglect, the historical re-enactment reappears among the events in town. Today, the tournament held among the various Contrade (Porta Molino, Porta Sejano, Portarella, Santa Croce, San Donato, Colbuccaro) on the first Sunday of September each year, is preceded by a parade of about 500 people in period costume.
Also, the week before the Margutta it is a continuous recall of 15th century history pages; the election of the Priors, the announcement of the Contrade, minstrels, storytellers, acrobats, dancers, the opening of taverns where to taste excellent dishes and wines of the place and also popular games among the districts to highlight the spectacular nature of jousts and tournaments.

Corridonia - "Contesa della Margutta" (Contest of the Margutta)

Piazza Filippo Corridoni, 8
Corridonia (MC)
+39 0733 439 900 +39 0733 432 768

OPENING TIME: Prima domenica di settembre

Recommended for: Family - Culture

The Attractions of Corridonia

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