Matelica - Jana Gorge

The Braccano area is characterized by a very picturesque landscape, full of streams that flow into the ditch of Braccano over the rocks. These flows have created ravines and gorges, joining the two river valleys of the Potenza and the Esino rivers. To get to the Jana Gorge, you leave from the Braccano hamlet, continue along the road, at the junction to the Mount San Vicino, keeping the right. You pass a small bridge and continue until you reach the dirt road for about 1 km until you arrive at a clearing where there's a sign leading to Jana Gorge.

The Attractions of Matelica

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Matelica

Discover the itinerary Archaeological Marche

Archaeological Marche

A journey into the past

Art and Culture   5 days

Discover the itinerary The organic production chain

The organic production chain

A list of companies and cooperatives working according to high quality standards

Skills and expertise   Taste and tradition   6 days