Matelica - Monastery and Church of St.Maria Maddalena or of the Beata Mattia (the Blessed Mattia)


It is definitely the oldest in the district, it was built in 1225 and owes its fame to the monastic life, where the rule of St. Clare, which lead in it the Blessed Mattia, is still observed.
Located at the southern end of the city, it also had a defensive function as the presence of a high bell tower shows, dating back to the late '400 and which definitely served as a sighting place.
The various reconstructions have substantially altered the original architecture of the 1st century construction. The Church was rebuilt in 1750, but the last restoration work was the one commissioned by Enrico Mattei.
The building is centered around three courtyards, the rustic porch of the third courtyard is noteworthy because it is marked by square pillars that support a pitched gable roof.
At the center of the vast field a votive low hill stands, which is accessed by a short flight of steps introduced by two pylons and decorated with rococo motifs.
The Monastery houses precious works of art, including the painted cross, one of the few thirteenth-century crosses made by an artist from the Marche region: the crucified, elongated figure and the presence of even a slight twist of the pelvis helps to date the work in the second half of the thirteenth century; the surrounding figures, the Virgin and St. John, expressing, in their attitude, a measured suffering, although the figure of Christ is triumphant, the Madonna with Child, dating from the late '200, is the central part of one panel which included the presence of two rotating doors on pivots. Another Madonna with Child, originally on panel, was transferred to canvas in the last century, perhaps because of wood deterioration.

Due to the earthquake occurred in 2016, the monastery is temporarily closed. For further information please write to:


Matelica - Monastery and Church of St.Maria Maddalena or of the Beata Mattia (the Blessed Mattia)

Via Beata Mattia, 41
Matelica (MC)
0737.84463 0737.84463

OPENING TIME: 9.30 am - 11.30 am; 3.30 p.m - 5.15 pm: mass at 7.30 am

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