Monastero di S. Chiara

The Monastery of Santa Chiara of Sassoferrato is connected with the vast female religious movement that spread across Europe in the thirteenth century; however, we do not have a contemporary documentation about its origin, due to a fire that destroyed the archive of the monastery in the XV. sec. Since 1253 the monastery has been inhabited by the nuns ; currently there are 5 sisters. Today the small community continues to follow the Rule of St. Clare; the nuns offer the possibility for anyone  to pray and share a spiritual experience with them. The renovation project of the guesthouses involves the construction of an access from the current garden. The restored areas are:  a conference room and a guest house. The guest house has rooms with private bathroom, for a total capacity of 12 beds. Opposite the church there's another fully furnished modern guesthouse on two floors (with a small kitchen with dining area), able to accommodate  up to 15 people and self-managed groups. The monastery also has  a mini apartment (sometimes used by the same sisters), mainly attended by the clergy and religious men in summer. The church of Santa Chiara, annexed to the thirteenth-century monastery, boasts two important paintings: "Vergine orante, Mater dolorosa" and The "Annunciazione" by Giovan Battista Salvi, universally known as Il Sassoferrato.

The Attractions of Sassoferrato

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Sassoferrato