The ‘new’ Municipal Museums in Palazzo Mosca, a historic building in the heart of Pesaro, are only a few steps from piazza del Popolo. They comprise a permanent section and temporary exhibitions of the numerous treasures from the museums’ rich deposits. The exhibits in the permanent section include 14th. to 18th. century paintings and drawings from churches and private collections. The centre piece of the museum is the ancona by Giovanni Bellini: The Coronation of the Virgin, an absolute masterpiece of the Renaissance and a summa of 15th. century religious painting. There is an important section of the applied arts, among which an prestigious collection of Renaissance majolica documenting the production of the Dukedom of Urbino during the 16th. century. Besides these magnificent narrative ceramics are furnishings, objects and ornaments of various materials and techniques from the 17th. to the 19th. century, and sculpture from the 15th, to the 18th. century. In the rooms dedicated to the 17th. and 18th. century still lifes, attractive pieces of floral majolica are also exhibited, notably those decorated “alla rosa”, the rose pattern of Pesaro which brought such success the city in this art to during the 18th. century.
To see: Pesaro - Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, Pesaro - Colle San Bartolo – Giardini di Villa Imperiale (Gardens of Imperial Villa), Pesaro - Teatro Rossini (Rossini Theatre), Pesaro and Gioachino Rossini, Science Museum L. Guidi and Valerio Observatory, Pesaro – Giardini di Villa Miralfiore (Villa Miralfiore Gardens), Natural Park of Monte San Bartolo, Pesaro - "Rossini’s birthplace", Pesaro - Museo della Marineria "W. Patrignani" (Nautical Museum), Hamlet of Fiorenzuola di Focara (District Hall)
Flavors and Craft: Pesaro and Gioachino Rossini, Colli Pesaresi DOC, Pesaro - Renata Tebaldi, Pesaro - Public Markets, Pesaro - Herb Market, Pesaro city of ceramics
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