The Museum “Guidi”, originally built in 1861 thanks to the man of letters, naturalist, geophysicist and palaeontologist Luigi Guidi, was officially established in 1983 to enhance the historical and naturalistic heritage collected over the years inside the premises of the Meteorological and Seismic Observatory “Valerio” in Pesaro.
Among the over one hundred and fifty scientific and traditional tools preserved, those once employed for seismic, geomagnetic, astronomical and meteorological observations worth mentioning.
The Museum houses raised-relief maps dating back to 19
th century, as well as over four thousand eight hundred lithic tools, more than four thousand fossils, almost three thousand minerals, herbals (including a collection dating from 19
th century), ceramic fragments, archaeological findings, shells and other items. There are also a library and a historical archive, collecting correspondence, graphic and photographic documentation, as well as manuscripts and data that provide evidence of the historical development of the scientific activities inside the observatory, such as astronomy, seismology and meteorology.