Pesaro - Public Markets

STRADOMENICA: Don’t forget in Pesaro the third Sunday of each month. Shops will be opened, don’t loose the open air market from 8 am to 1 pm and the antique market in the city centre. Enjoy a visit to the the main museums.

FIERA DI SAN NICOLA: From the 10th to the 12th September in Pesaro takes place the annual fair. Located along the promenade, you will find clothes, shoes, food, toys and many other products. The free firework display will close the event.

The Attractions of Pesaro

 Attraction location

Pesaro things to Watch

Discover the attraction Pesaro- Rossini Opera Festival

Pesaro- Rossini Opera Festival

The Rossini Opera Festival (ROF) is an international opera festival which the town of Pesaro dedicates to its most illustrious citizen: Gioachino Rossini...

Discover the attraction Pesaro – Giardini di Palazzo Baldassini (Baldassini Palace Gardens)

Pesaro – Giardini di Palazzo Baldassini (Baldassini Palace Gardens)

The solid palace was built in the second half of the XVI century by marquees Ranieri Del Monte, a general in the army of duke Guidobaldo II Della Rovere. The...

Discover the attraction Pesaro - Teatro Rossini (Rossini Theatre)

Pesaro - Teatro Rossini (Rossini Theatre)

The Teatro Rossini was inaugurated as the ‘Teatro del Sole’ (Theatre of the Sun) in 1637, during the pontificate of Urban VIII, who granted the old...

Discover the attraction Piazza del Popolo

Piazza del Popolo

The piazza is delimited on its four sides by the Post Office and three palazzi: Ducale, Baviera and Comunale (Municipal). The fountain at the centre is a...

Discover the attraction Pesaro - Palazzo Gradari

Pesaro - Palazzo Gradari

The ancient origins of Gradari Palace date back to the second half of the XIV century up to the first half of the XVII. Once the prestigious residence of Giulio...

Discover the attraction Pesaro - Palazzo Mosca (Location of the Civic Museums)

Pesaro - Palazzo Mosca (Location of the Civic Museums)

Once the illustrious residence of one of the most important families of the Pesaro aristocracy, precisely the Mosca family, since 1936 the Palace is the...