Urbino – Church and Convent of S. Bernardino

The Church of San Bernardino, built in the late fifteenth century, is located on the hill of San Donato, in the Cesane area, about two kilometres far from the historical centre. The construction is attributed to Donato Bramante, which is confirmed inside it by architectural typical elements of this architect. However, today, the building design would have to be attributed to Francesco di Giorgio Martini: especially outside, the church reveals the style of the architect from Siena, both in general terms and in its architectural details. It was Federico da Montefeltro who wanted this building to be designed to a ducal mausoleum, but works continued after his death (in 1482). The Duke was buried, temporarily, in the adjacent and the most ancient Church of San Donato . Inside the Church, a Latin cross and a single nave, which extends to a deep rectangular choir, built at a later time. The walls are divided into two orders by a frame on which is set a barrel vault in the choir. In the nave,  is  set a cornice bearing  an inscription dedicated to the Saint. In the vicinity of the entrance face the two baroque marble sarcophagi of Federico da Montefeltro and his son Guidobaldo. Until 1810, the church kept the beautiful Pala Montefeltro, by Piero della Francesca, then moved to Milan to the Pinacoteca of Brera (Art Gallery in Brera).


The Attractions of Urbino

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Urbino

Discover the itinerary Museum Churches in Pesaro and Urbino Province

Museum Churches in Pesaro and Urbino Province

The Museum Church itinerary in Pesaro and Urbino Province

Art and Culture   Spirituality and Meditation   2 days

Discover the itinerary Land of Popes

Land of Popes

The magnificent places that gave birth to great Popes

Art and Culture   Spirituality and Meditation   3 days