Pesaro – Giardini di Palazzo Baldassini (Baldassini Palace Gardens)


The solid palace was built in the second half of the XVI century by marquees Ranieri Del Monte, a general in the army of duke Guidobaldo II Della Rovere. The building was then owned by the Gozze, Baldassini and Castelbarco Albani families.

The rear façade of the building opens up with a loggia upon a wide formal garden made up of two adjacent enclosures. In the first one there is the most ancient garden, which replays the XVI century plant, shaped by boxwood hedges which design four wide perimetral compartments. Two columns bearing busts mark the central axe, while at the center of the composition there is a water basin. The garden is delimited by a short terracing and a bottom wall, against which lean the greenhouses of citrus trees. Further ahead on the central axe there is another, most simple, cross-shaped garden.


The Attractions of Pesaro

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Pesaro

Discover the itinerary Sandy Beaches

Sandy Beaches

Cozy or wild beaches, the sea for all tastes

The Marche Region in Blue   6 days

Discover the itinerary Archaeological Marche

Archaeological Marche

A journey into the past

Art and Culture   5 days

Discover the itinerary Museum Churches in Pesaro and Urbino Province

Museum Churches in Pesaro and Urbino Province

The Museum Church itinerary in Pesaro and Urbino Province

Art and Culture   Spirituality and Meditation   2 days

Discover the itinerary Regional and National Parks

Regional and National Parks

Nature lovers will not be disappointed in the Marche!

Parks and Active Nature   7 days