Fermo- Abbey San Marco alle Paludi


The Abbey of San Marco alle Paludi (which means near the Marshes) is located in the countryside, in the district Paludi . It’s one of the oldest and most beautiful abbeys in Fermo . The church is part of an abbey little of which remains. It  dates back to the late eleventh century and was restored in the late 90s.

Despite its small size , it is divided into a nave and two aisles and inside there are well preserved frescoes. Some  glass slabs in the floor reveal some ancient foundations.

Some remains of the abbey can still be seen along the nave . Of great interest are the carved figures . On the walls of the aisles several paintings containing the votive offerings of the faithful were hung. Next to the church is the convent , currently under restauration.

Thanks to the elegant garden , the location and the surrounding environment it’s a very appreciated location also for weddings.


The Attractions of Fermo

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Fermo

Discover the itinerary Archaeological Marche

Archaeological Marche

A journey into the past

Art and Culture   5 days

Discover the itinerary Thermal and Spa Centres Itineraries

Thermal and Spa Centres Itineraries

Discover the Marche Spa Centres for a relaxing holiday.

Wellness   4 days