
Piazza Umberto I', 17 - Appignano (MC)
0733.57521 0733.579169

Appignano is a charming hillside town located in the heart of the Marche region, at an altitude of nearly 200 m. above sea level, considered one of the smallest villages in the province of Macerata.
Nationally known for its ceramics and for the production of furniture and clothing, Appignano is a town where companies manufacturing many different products proliferate. Besides the picturesque old town centre and the Town Hall, built in 1790 by the architect from Cupramontana Mattia Capponi , many are the monuments of artistic and architectural interest to be visited in Appignano: the Convent of Forano, dating back to the thirteenth century, and known for having hosted, according to tradition, S. Francesco d’Assisi; the Church of Addolorata, built for the first time in the Middle Ages and rebuilt in 1746; the Church of S. Giovanni Battista, built in the sixteenth century and renewed in the eighteenth century; Villa Tusculano, a villa built in Napoleonic times by Count Leopold Armaroli by the Bolognese architect Giuseppe Nadi .
Not to be missed Bellente il Brigante (the robber), the traditional summer dinner with nineteenth-century dishes which is held every year in the Town Hall square. People in costume evoke, around the diners, the life in Appignano in 1812, influenced by the contradictions of the Napoleonic state and from the legacies of the papal power.
In early autumn, another successful event takes place: Leguminaria. It is a gastronomic event in the name of dried legumes, such as chick peas, beans, lentils and roveja. Each dish is made using the traditional "grandmother’s recipe" , which will be then served in terracotta bowls especially made by Mastri Vasai di Appignano (Ceramist Masters from Appignano).


Piazza Umberto I', 17
Appignano (MC)
0733.57521 0733.579169


The Attractions of Appignano

 Attraction location

Appignano things to Watch

Discover the attraction Church of S. Francesco in Forano (Appignano)

Church of S. Francesco in Forano (Appignano)

The testimony of the presence of S. Francesco comes, according to tradition, from an old oak door in the facade of the church where the saint entered. Then on...

Discover the attraction The Verde Azzurro Holiday Center

The Verde Azzurro Holiday Center

The Verde Azzurro Holiday Centre, nestled among the rolling green hills of the Marche region, is an ideal place to spend a relaxing holiday.It houses a water...

Discover the attraction Ss. Annunziata Cathedral

Ss. Annunziata Cathedral

The foundation stone was laid in 1782 and the work was completed after more than thirty years, in 1814. The architect who made the project was Andrea Vici, one...

Discover the attraction Church of S. Chiara

Church of S. Chiara

The Church of S.Chiara is in Baroque style. It is possible to admire the Lebanon cedar statue of the Virgin Mary of Loreto, that, according to the popular...

Discover the attraction Treia - Georgic academy

Treia - Georgic academy

The ancient library that was founded in the 18th century by the Accademia Georgica is housed in a palace that was renovated by Valadier in the same century.

Discover the attraction Passo Treia - Mulino Fortificato di Passo di Treia

Passo Treia - Mulino Fortificato di Passo di Treia

The fortified mill in Passo di Treia was powered by the water of the Potenza river; it had three millstones (one of which, an original one, was recovered by the...


Itineraries to visit Appignano