Ss. Annunziata Cathedral

The foundation stone was laid in 1782 and the work was completed after more than thirty years, in 1814. The architect who made the project was Andrea Vici, one of Vanvitelli’s pupils. This cathedral is considered one of the most important churches of the Marche region because of its dimensions, magnificence and purity of the lines.
The Cathedral is divided into three big, greek cross-shaped aisles with stucco walls and with columns in Corinthian style.
The sacristy retains a lunette of Vincenzo Pagani, depicting the Deposition of Christ in the Tomb and a panel of Giacomo from Recanati depicting the apparition of Our Lady to Blessed Corrado from Offida, at the convent of Forano.
The chapel of Our lady of Mercy houses the bust of Pope Sixtus V by Sebastiano Torrigiani, also known as “Bologna” (you can find a copy at Victoria and Albert Museum of London).
Beneath the floor, we can find a large crypt, approximately 9 metres high.
The church is now closed a cause of earthquake damages.

Ss. Annunziata Cathedral

Piazza Guglielmo Marconi
Treia (MC)

OPENING TIME: Orario Santa Messa: Feriale: 7.30 - 17.30; Festivo: 9.00 -11.00 - 18.00

Belongs to: Cathedrals
Recommended for: Culture

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