The route map


St. Francis in the Marche, itineraries and suggestions


A journey through holy places

The Marche are heavily influenced by the figure of St. Francis of Assisi both given the region’s proximity to Umbria and its elective affinities with the Saint who was warmly welcomed in the Marche from the start. St. Francis’ historically documented first journey to the region dates back to 1209, when his destination was The March of Ancona; this was followed by many others until 1219, testifying the deep bond between the Saint and our Region.

In 1282 the province of March counted some 85 Franciscan monasteries with 1500 monks; every convent had a library and the confraternities used to run hospitals and charitable institutions. Moreover, the presence of the friars led to the commissioning of numerous works of art: crucifixes, paintings on canvas, carved altars, sculptural groups.The Franciscan Order has written an extraordinary chapter in the history of the Marche, influencing the culture and the religion of the area from the XIII Century onward.

The tour includes the places of the Marche who saw the actual presence of the Saint.

St. Francis in the Marche, itineraries and suggestions


Attractions along the route

Discover the attraction of Apiro – Church of S. Francesco of Favete

Apiro – Church of S. Francesco of Favete

Built in the sixteenth century, it is located in a same name hamlet nearby Apiro. In this area S. Francesco visited the Benedictine Monastery of Sant’...

Discover the attraction of Church of S. Salvatore in Colpersito - S. Severino Marche

Church of S. Salvatore in Colpersito - S. Severino Marche

Colpersito is a place rich with Franciscan memories: here S. Francesco, who came to S. Severino in 1212 and in 1221, converted the famous troubadour Guglielmo...

Discover the attraction of Osimo - Basilica of S. Giuseppe da Copertino

Osimo - Basilica of S. Giuseppe da Copertino

San Giuseppe da Copertino, known as the “The Saint of flights”, is one of the most interesting personalities of the Christian mysticism. As...

Discover the attraction of Church of S. Francesco in Forano (Appignano)

Church of S. Francesco in Forano (Appignano)

The testimony of the presence of S. Francesco comes, according to tradition, from an old oak door in the facade of the church where the saint entered. Then on...

Discover the attraction of Sarnano- The Convent of Roccabruna

Sarnano- The Convent of Roccabruna

Near Pian di Pica, by Sarnano, in the loneliness of a vast plain, is an old farmhouse now private property, incorporating a small convent and a chapel with a...

Discover the attraction of Staffolo – Fountain of S. Francesco

Staffolo – Fountain of S. Francesco

The church of S. Francesco al Musone was built in 1796 by a family from Staffolo as a votive offering for the miraculous healings attributed to the water that...

Discover the attraction of Valleremita - Hermitage of S. Maria of Valdisasso

Valleremita - Hermitage of S. Maria of Valdisasso

The village of Valleremita takes its name from an ancient Benedictine monastery that housed, according to tradition, San Francesco (1210) in his passage to...

Discover the attraction of Ascoli Piceno -

Ascoli Piceno - "Piazza Arringo"

The City of Ascoli Piceno does praise an additional centre of civic aggregation, "Piazza Arringo", the Arringo Square, which takes its name from the public...

Discover the attraction of Ancona- Convent of S. Francesco ad Alto

Ancona- Convent of S. Francesco ad Alto

According to tradition, the place where the church was built was chosen by S. Francesco  from Assisi in 1219: in that year he was in Ancona to embark for...


Locations along the route


Other Itineraries

Continue your journey to discover the Marche through the many routes available

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Giubileo Lauretano: alla scoperta della Santa Casa

In occasione del centenario della Vergine Lauretana Patrona degli aeronauti

Art and Culture   Spirituality and Meditation   1 day

Discover the itinerary Itinerario Sistino ai confini del Piceno

Itinerario Sistino ai confini del Piceno

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