
Via San Francesco, 24 - Camerano (AN)
071.730301 071.7303041

In the Town Hall gallery of Camerano you can see the collection of the painter Carlo Maratti, born in Camerano, who transported the remains of the Christian martyr “Santa Faustina” from the Roman catacombs to the “Chiesa di San Nicolò di Bari” church in Camerano. San Francesco passed through Camerano and a church here is dedicated to him. The Italian television program “Mistero” also filmed a segment in this church in which they investigated the mysterious remains of a child found under the altar of the church.
A secret underground city under the streets of Camerano is connected by a dense network of tunnels, caves, and carved niches, and decorated with friezes, ornaments and religious symbols. 
Many, dug in sandstone, connected throughout the rock basement of the town centre, with labyrinthine pattern. For a long time it was thought that they were but the remains of ancient sandstone quarries or even wine cellars. However, explorations, interpretations, and the modern walkways, which have made these caves accessible today, have revealed the presence in almost all areas of architectural embellishments, carvings and decorative details that do not fit in quarries or simple storage rooms: domes, barrel vaults, circular rooms and decorative columns, decorated with friezes, ornaments and religious symbols are constants along the entire route.  The caves unravel in front of an often impressed visitor, showing an underground town almost like a charming fairytale, a secret Camerano were both history and legend are real. The most plausible interpretation today is that of a residential, ritual, and the defensive purpose. During the second world war in 1944, the entire underground system was used as an anti-bomb shelter.
Nestled between the hills of the Conero Riviera, Camerano gave birth to “Rosso Conero”, a full-bodied and structured wine made from Montepulciano grapes. Enjoy this magnificent wine in one of the many wine cellars of the city. Every year, during the first week of September, Camerano celebrates the “Festa del Rosso Conero”, a festival dedicated to this wine where you can spend an enjoyable evening tasting local food and wine until late into the night.



Via San Francesco, 24
Camerano (AN)
071.730301 071.7303041

Belongs to: Regional Parks - The Best of

The Attractions of Camerano

 Attraction location

Camerano things to Watch

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Sirolo - The Park Visitor Center

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Itineraries to visit Camerano

Discover the itinerary Thermal and Spa Centres Itineraries

Thermal and Spa Centres Itineraries

Discover the Marche Spa Centres for a relaxing holiday.

Wellness   4 days