Castelleone di Suasa

Piazza Principe di Suasa, 7 - Castelleone di Suasa (AN)
071.966113 071.966010
Castelleone is located on the border with the province of Pesaro-Urbino. Situaded on a hill to the right of the Cesano River, this village is a renowned centre for nursery-gardening. The founding of the fortified settlement of Castillione is tied to the destruction of the Roman municipium of Suasa during the wars between the Greeks and Goths since the refugees took shelter on a nearby hill and re-founded their town. The church os San Francesco di Paola is located within the walls and houses a precious canvas by San Antonio Abate(17th cent.), corso Marconi is lined with semi-detached houses and, on the one side, with elegant porticoes. Along this road stands the parish church of Ss. Pietro e Paolo, from the mid 16th century.
The Archeological Museum “A. Casagrande” (about the Roman City of Suasa)is located in Palazzo Liva della Rovere (16th cent.) and displays the various finds from digs in the area, including a head of Augustus and frescoes from the domus patrizia. (Roman noble house). The murals, from the early 2nd cent. AD, reveal a close link to the wall decorations of the so-called style IV fromPompei and are arare example of late-imperial pictorial decoration in the Marche region.
About 2 km outside Castelleone, is the Pian Volpello area (Archeological Park area) where Suasa once stood. Excavations, dating from 1987, have brought to light the ancient flagstone road, the trading forum, small shops, some tombs, the domus and the amphitheatre. The domus is the main attraction of the archaeological park: the rediscovered mosaics are the most important unitary complex of the Marche region.
The “Festival of Forgiveness”, (the most important religious event of the year) is held in spring. The main event is undoubtedly the " the Onion Festival", on the first weekend of September, which involves touring shows and food stands with interesting and delicious recipes based on onions.

The Attractions of Castelleone di Suasa

 Attraction location

Castelleone di Suasa things to Watch

Discover the attraction Castelleone di Suasa – Domus of Coiedii

Castelleone di Suasa – Domus of Coiedii

The Domus of Coiedii is now part of the Archaeological Park of Castelleone of Suasa and was built in a central location between the area of the Forum and the...

Discover the attraction Castelleone di Suasa - Archeological Regional Park Città romana di Suasa

Castelleone di Suasa - Archeological Regional Park Città romana di Suasa

Since 1987 the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Marche (Archaeological Superintendence for the Marche region)...

Discover the attraction Parco Archeologico di Suasa Senonum e Domus dei Coiedii

Parco Archeologico di Suasa Senonum e Domus dei Coiedii

The Suasa archaeological park is an archaeological area in Castelleone di Suasa (province of Ancona, Marche, Italy).It includes the remains of the ancient town...

Discover the attraction San Lorenzo in Campo - Abbey of St. Lorenzo

San Lorenzo in Campo - Abbey of St. Lorenzo

This abbey is one of the most important buildings in Romanesque and Gothic style in the Marche. It was bacame a basilica in 1943 by Pope Pio XII. The pleasant...

Discover the attraction Arcevia – Nidastore Castle

Arcevia – Nidastore Castle

Nidastore Castle – or "nest of goshawks", the birds used for hunting in the Middle Ages – is the northernmost castle in Arcevia and sits on the...

Discover the attraction Arcevia – Loretello Castle

Arcevia – Loretello Castle

Of all the castles still in existence today, Loretello is the oldest. First documented in 1072 and built at the same time as the church of S. Andrea by the...


Itineraries to visit Castelleone di Suasa