Morro d'Alba

Piazza Romagnoli, 6 - Morro d'Alba (AN)
0731.63000 0731.63043
Morro D’Alba is a small hilltop town in the province of Ancona, few miles from Senigallia and Jesi. Until the mid 19th century the town was known as ‘Morro’, a name most probably derived from the pre Roman term ‘muur’ or ‘moor’ which signifies altitude and rock.
The pleasing old part of this rocky village is embraced by an escarpment wall dating back to the second half of the15th century. Atop these walls runs a remarkable walkway pierced by porticoes that offers ever-changing views of the delightful countryside around, with vineyards, olive trees and sunflowers. Ruins of two Roman villas have been found in the area of Sant’Amico along with Roman coins and medallions.
The clock tower rising above the town features the symbol of the town of Jesi, a rampant lion. The gateway into the town, once with moat surrounding it, was repositioned in the early twentieth century. Must-see attractions are: 
The parish of San Gaudenzio, a fine example of 18th century architecture; The Church of Santissimo Sacramento, built in the first half of the 17th century, with a highly decorated wooden altar.  The church is also home to a collection of religious procession lanterns dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries; the church of San Benedetto completed in 1512; the church of Santa Maria del Fiore, a rural church, situated on a small road of the same name, boasting frescoes and other decorative works dating from the late 17th and early 18th centuries; the Church of Sant'Amico situated in an area of the same name.
The utensil museum, housed in the underground vaults of the town hall, documents many aspects of rural life, with tools and machinery. 
There is another excellent reason to stop here - to try the celebrated local red wine, Lacrima di Morro d'Alba, a heady garnet brew with an elegant finish, definitely a cut above a mere country wine.
The most important events taking place in Morro d'Alba during the year  are: the "Festival of Lacrima di Morro d’Alba", which is held every first weekend in May, "Cantamaggio", the ritual offertory song celebrating the advent of spring and the new agricultural season (every third weekend of May) and the "Festival of the Lacrima di Morro d'Alba and Acqualagna truffles", which takes place every third weekend of October.


Morro d'Alba

Piazza Romagnoli, 6
Morro d'Alba (AN)
0731.63000 0731.63043


The Attractions of Morro d'Alba

 Attraction location

Morro d'Alba things to Watch

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Ostra- Sanctuary of the Madonna of the Rose

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Discover the attraction Ostra -

Ostra - "La Vittoria" Theatre

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Ostra- Church of St. Gregorius or Sanctuary of the Very Holy Crucifix

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Ostra - Shrine of “Santa Maria Apparve”

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Senigallia - Motocross track Fossa del Diavolo

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Montessori Foundation

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Itineraries to visit Morro d'Alba