
Piazza Matteotti, 1 - Sassoferrato (AN)
0732.9561 (Centralino) - 0732.956257 (Iat) 0732.956234
Sassoferrato is situated on the eastern side of the Apennines; it's a prosperous little town watched over by a solid citadel, built by  Cardinal Albornoz in 1365, and a medieval borgo high on a ridge above the modern sprawl.  It was the former Roman city of Sentinum: it was here that the Roman army defeated the combined Samnite and Gaul forces in 295 BC.
There's the  archaeological Sentinum area, with cobblestone streets, the cardo and the decumano, the remains of a thermal temple and the portico of a large building outside the walls of the city. The Archaeological Museum of Sassoferrato, housed in the Palazzo dei Priori, documents the different aspects of everyday life and society in the ancient Roman city of Sentinum. On the ground floor of the Palazzo dei Priori is the Perottiana Hall, boasting a valuable collection of Byzantine and Flemish reliquaries, including the icon of St. Demetrius. The Civic Art Collection includes twenty-six valuable paintings dating back to the fifteenth and the late eighteenth century. The main attractions are two paintings made by Giovan Battista Salvi (Sassoferrato 1609 - Rome 1685), the great painter universally known as Il Sassoferrato, whom is dedicated the International Prize of Contemporary Art Exhibition GB Salvi, that takes place in summer.
Must-see attractions are also the Museum of the Sulfur mine, located in Cabernardi, documenting the history of one of Europe's most important sulfur mines; the Museum of Art and Popular Traditions, housed in a former convent, where a typical local farmhouse is shown; the Collection "Engravers of the Marche", boasting over four graphics (including seventeen drawings), made by two hundred and ten artists from the Marche. Another remarkable tourist attraction is the Abbey of the Holy Cross, built in the late twelfth century by Counts Atti with stones from nearby Sentinum.

The Attractions of Sassoferrato

 Attraction location

Sassoferrato things to Watch

Discover the attraction Monastero di S. Chiara

Monastero di S. Chiara

The Monastery of Santa Chiara of Sassoferrato is connected with the vast female religious movement that spread across Europe in the thirteenth century; however,...

Discover the attraction Sassoferrato – Church and Convent of S. Francesco

Sassoferrato – Church and Convent of S. Francesco

The construction of the late Romanesque or Gothic Roman style is located in the district “Castello”,  the oldest part of the city. The presence...

Discover the attraction Sassoferrato mill

Sassoferrato mill

Into a charming and suggestive scenery in the heart of a rural territory, close to a waterfall and to the confluence of Marena and Sanguerone creeks with the...

Discover the attraction Sassoferrato - Abbey of Santa Croce dei Conti

Sassoferrato - Abbey of Santa Croce dei Conti

The Abbey of Santa Croce dei Conti is located near Sassoferrato. Built by the Counts Atti towards the end of the 12th century, it is one of the most important...

Discover the attraction Genga- Leo XII and Genga

Genga- Leo XII and Genga

Annibale della Genga became pope on 28th September 1823 and his name became Leo XII. He was born in Genga in 1760 into a noble family.  He studied in Osimo...

Discover the attraction Sassoferrato - Gorge of Riofreddo

Sassoferrato - Gorge of Riofreddo

The Gorge of Riofreddo is located on the border between the Marches and Umbria region. In the Marche region, take the road Perticano - Pascelupo to get there,...


Itineraries to visit Sassoferrato