Torre di Palme - Fermo


The charming center of Torre di Palme is a fantastic panoramic balcony on top of a hill dominating the coast and the Adriatic Sea.

Torre di Palme is characterized by the preservation of its environment and the stylistic uniformity of the medieval and Renaissance buildings, elements that make it, despite its small size, one of the most interesting historical centers of the region.

The visit of the town can start from the little Church of San Giovanni dating from 1000, in ashlars of stone and hanging arches, in which there are frescoes of the fifteenth century, followed by the Palazzo Priorale with a round arch walled in the frontage and a small bell gable and the Gothic Church of Sant'Agostino (formerly of the Hermits) with the adjacent convent, with its typical red brick, whose façade is ennobled by a beautiful Gothic portal and a rose window: not to be missed, inside , a panel of Vincenzo Pagani (1578) and an impressive altarpiece by Vittore Crivelli, ennobled by the original frame in carved wood and characterized by bright enamelled colors , made even more intense by the gold of the background. Continuing along the course leads to the Church of Santa Maria a Mare, built in the twelfth century and later amended, in ashlars of stone and terracotta, whose bell tower is decorated with interlaced arches and majolica basins: the interesting interior has three naves with raised presbytery and Byzantine frescoes of the fourteenth century. On the left of the church, in a small garden, there is a well-curb, once used as a baptistery.

Torre di Palme is surrounded by the lush vegetation of the protected area called "Bosco del Cugnolo", where typical plants of the Mediterranean Sea can be found. It's very appreciated by hikers and it also features the Lovers' Cave, which is the place of the tragic love between Antonio and Laurina.  


The Attractions of Fermo

 Attraction location

Fermo things to Watch

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Torre di Palme - Fermo

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Itineraries to visit Fermo

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Archaeological Marche

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Discover the Marche Spa Centres for a relaxing holiday.

Wellness   4 days