Apiro - Abbey of Sant’Urbano


The Sant’Urbano abbey, named after the patron saint of the town, is a few kilometers far from Apiro, a hilly village near the Mount San Vicino and Mount Canfaito Nature Riserve.

The first written information about the abbey goes back to the 11th century. Struggling against  the neighbouring Apiro, it was an important centre of religious and political power until 1442 when it joined with the Abbey of San Salvatore in Valdicastro in Fabriano and later became private property in 1810. The building underwent various refurbishments which modified the original layout. The recent superimposition of farmhouses has changed the external appearance of the church and the right side, whilst the left side and the fascinating apse retain the original columns and hanging arches. Only the central part of the facade with its carved portal and structural fanlight is preserved. It is extraordinary example of Romanesque architecture; its external shape shows the three amazing apsis, corresponding to the three naves. Inside the church is one of the few still keeping
the three different parts of the Romanic architecture: the aula, dedicated to people, the presbytery, much higher and in gothic style, reserved for the monks, almost a church inside the church, and finally the crypt accessible through a narrow stair. On the first light of the 25th of May, day of patron Saint Urbano, a lighting ray entering by a hole above the apsis, shines through the darkness and perfectly enlighten a circle engraved in the stone of the wall on the left side of the entrance.



The Attractions of Apiro

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Apiro

Discover the itinerary Monasticism in The Marche: the abbeys

Monasticism in The Marche: the abbeys

A journey between knowledge and meditation

Spirituality and Meditation   5 days

Discover the itinerary The organic production chain

The organic production chain

A list of companies and cooperatives working according to high quality standards

Skills and expertise   Taste and tradition   6 days