Apiro - Giovanni Mestica Theatre

The theatre in Apiro, built in 1873 on a plan by the architect Francesco Scoccianti, is housed inside a private palace with a 16th century Baroque style façade which notably includes fine decorations on the main doorway and the windows. The interior structure, in wood and stone, has a horseshoe plan with two tiers of boxes divided by pillars and an upper gallery or gods, connected by an 18th century staircase. The parapets of the boxes and the gods are embellished with simple imagery produced in red and green tempera on a pink background. The ceiling over the stalls is likewise decorated in tempera with a fresco of an artificial crossbow in marble, against a sky with clouds. There is a central ceiling rose in painted wood surrounded by roundels depicting famous composers alternated with cherubs, muses and floral motifs. On the lowered proscenium arch is the name of the theatre, today named after the literary scholar Giovanni Mestica whose portrait in painted cloth can be seen on the proscenium valance.

Apiro - Giovanni Mestica Theatre

Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 44
Apiro (MC)
+39 0733613048

Recommended for: Family - Culture

The Attractions of Apiro

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Apiro

Discover the itinerary Monasticism in The Marche: the abbeys

Monasticism in The Marche: the abbeys

A journey between knowledge and meditation

Spirituality and Meditation   5 days

Discover the itinerary The organic production chain

The organic production chain

A list of companies and cooperatives working according to high quality standards

Skills and expertise   Taste and tradition   6 days