Fabriano - Church of S. Maria del Buon Gesù

It is no doubt the busiest Church in Fabriano. Many people every day come and ask Our Lady of Good Jesus, patroness of the city, for protection. The Church is part of the Hospital of the Good Jesus, founded by S. Giacomo della Marca in 1456 to gather the city's hospitals and is a fine example of late Gothic architecture. In the Church is venerated the precious painting of Our Lady of Good Jesus, painted around 1460 by the Master of Staffolo, of whom you can admire other frescoes on the portico. Inside the Church, frescoes by Andrea Boscoli, from Florence, made in the early seventeenth century, can be found. Of the other two altars dedicated respectively to S. Emidio and S. Giacomo della Marca nothing remains. In the cloister is the octagonal well of 1483. Of the same monumental complex is also part of the Art Gallery.
The monumental complex is placed in front of the Cathedral of San Venanzio, built starting from the fourteenth century.

The Attractions of Fabriano

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Fabriano