Macerata- The Civic Tower


The Civic Tower is 64 metres high and is one of the symbols of Macerata. It’s also one of the best preserved works of art of this type in the Marche. From the top of it you can enjoy a wonderful view from the Sibillini mountains to the Adriatic Sea and the surrounding villages.

It dates back to the 15th century, when it was designed by the military architect Galasso Alghisi da Carpi. It was first made by Matteo d'Ancona in 1492 and finished in 1653.

In the pedestal you can find the remake of the mechanical astronomical clock by Alberto Gorla who worked in scientific collaboration with the Galileo Museum of Florence and the Opera Laboratori Fiorentini  for the ornaments. It was made in 1569 by the Ranieri brothers from Reggio Emilia.

The quadrant of the clock represents the position of the 5 planets known in the Renaissance and it’s a symbol of the splendor of the cosmology of that time, whereas the moving statues of the three wise men worshipping the Vergin Mary and the Child  are the symbol of faith.

Every day you can enjoy this fascinating performance at 12 a.m. and 6 p.m.

In the lower part of the tower there’s a plaque to Victor Emmanuel II which occupied the former space of the restored ancient clock.


Macerata- The Civic Tower

Piazza della Libertà
Macerata (MC)
0733.234807 (IAT/ Tourist Office)

OPENING TIME: Opening times of the Civic Tower from 15th October to 31st March from Tuesday to Sunday at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.; from 1st of April to 14th October from Tuesday to Sunday at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m

Discover: Art and Culture
Recommended for: Culture

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