Monastero Serve di Maria S. Maria delle Grazie

The Monastery Serve di Maria "Santa Maria delle Grazie" is located on a hill, not far from the center of Sant'Angelo in Vado. Built in the mid-80s, it is currently inhabited by a community of Serve di Maria nuns; however they settled down in the area starting from the fifteenth century. They used to live in a monastery, that does not exist any longer. The building, though modern, is ideally suited for silence and prayer. The church is pretty round and bright. The monastery, of papal enclosure, is under the jurisdiction of the Prior General of the Order of Servi di Maria;  traditionally the nuns used to mend, besides praying. Since there were few nuns and many of them were old, this activity has been stopped. One wing of the monastery is now used as a retreat centre, and consists of single and double rooms , with the use of the kitchen.

Monastero Serve di Maria S. Maria delle Grazie

Via Monte della Giustizia
Sant'Angelo in Vado (PU)
0722 818215 (monastero)

OPENING TIME: Mon - Fri 9. a.m. - 7 p.m.; Sat-Sun 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Recommended for: Culture

The Attractions of Sant'Angelo in Vado

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Sant'Angelo in Vado