Montefortino - Ambro Gorges

The Sibillini Mountains are crossed by numerous ravines and canyons. The gorges formed by Ambro river stand for about 2 km of jumps and narrow passages with high galleries and outages of up to 55 m. However, the Ambro is a river with a very variable water flow and gorges radically change depending on the season. The upper parts of the gorge are less visited than the lower part,  where it stands the monastery of Our Lady dell'Ambro. The trail is fairly short, about 14 km to 700 m in altitude. It is  recommended for experienced hikers. The descent in the second part of the trail is not easy, because of the poor visibility of the track that leads to the bottom .

Due to the earthquake occurred in 2016 this area can't be crossed.


The Attractions of Montefortino

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Montefortino