Montefortino - Infernaccio Gorge and Pisciarelle

The Infernaccio Gorges are natural gorges formed by the Tenna river. They are located in the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains and are among the most picturesque gorges in Umbria and Marche' Apennines.
There are various hiking trails in the area, such as the Hidden Waterfall, the Source of the Tenna River (Capotenna) and the Hermitage of San Leonardo.
The so-called Pisciarelle are small teardrop falls which are situated near the entrance to the Infernaccio gorge. 

An artificial tunnel situated beside the entrance to the Infernaccio gorge, locked by a railing which clearly facilitates the passage of tools, vehicles, equipment and livestock.

Here starts the path that winds between rocks and different vegetation, bypassing the stream through a small wooden bridge. You later get close to a beech-tree wood Faggeta. After a few hundred meters, you reach a crossroads with two destinations: you can go uphill to the hermitage of San Leonardo, or head to Capotenna (source of the Tenna river).


The Attractions of Montefortino

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Montefortino