To see: Pesaro - Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, Pesaro - Colle San Bartolo – Giardini di Villa Imperiale (Gardens of Imperial Villa), Pesaro - Teatro Rossini (Rossini Theatre), Pesaro and Gioachino Rossini, Pesaro – Giardini di Villa Miralfiore (Villa Miralfiore Gardens), Natural Park of Monte San Bartolo, Science Museum L. Guidi and Valerio Observatory, Municipal Museums (Musei Civici) in Palazzo Mosca, Pesaro - "Rossini’s birthplace", Hamlet of Fiorenzuola di Focara (District Hall)
Flavors and Craft: Pesaro and Gioachino Rossini, Colli Pesaresi DOC, Pesaro - Renata Tebaldi, Pesaro - Public Markets, Pesaro city of ceramics, Pesaro - Herb Market
Cozy or wild beaches, the sea for all tastes
The Marche Region in Blue 6 days
A journey into the past
Art and Culture 5 days
The Museum Church itinerary in Pesaro and Urbino Province
Art and Culture Spirituality and Meditation 2 days
Nature lovers will not be disappointed in the Marche!
Parks and Active Nature 7 days