To see: Fortress Borgesca, Fortress Aiello, Fortress Varano, Camerino – Orto botanico di Camerino (Botanic Garden of Camerino), Camerino - St. Camilla Battista da Varano, Camerino – Mulino Bottacchiari Bottacchiari Mill, Temple of the Annunciation, Camerino - Church of S. Filippo, Camerino – Giardini della Rocca d’Ajello (Ajello Fortress Gardens), Camerino - Church and Convent of the Cappuccini of Renacavata
The Art Gallery and Civic Museum has work by local painters from the XIV-XVI centuries, resulting from the confiscation of religious goods. The picture gallery...
THE LIFE: Daughter of Prince Giulio Cesare Da Varano, Lord of Camerino, and of the noblewoman Cecchina ...
The Monastery of Santa Chiara is one the oldest religious sites of Camerino: it dates back to the second half of the 14th century. It was built under the...
Another example of religious architecture established by Giulio Cesare Varano is the Temple of the Annunciation, built between 1493 and 1508 on...
The Valentiniana Library was founded in Camerino in 1802 due to the bequest of a nobleman from Camerino, Sebastiano Valentini, who was also a poet and a...
The Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Camerino - San Severino Marche, dedicated to the Santissima Annunziata (Most Holy Annunciation), is the result of...
Different styles, sensational beauty
Art and Culture Spirituality and Meditation 4 days
Hospitality and spirituality for modern pilgrimages
Spirituality and Meditation 6 days
The hospitality is here
Rolling Hills and Ancient Villages 6 days
Towers, ramparts, citadels and majestic fortresses
Art and Culture Rolling Hills and Ancient Villages 2 days