To see: Fortress Aiello, Fortress Varano, Camerino – Mulino Bottacchiari Bottacchiari Mill, Camerino – Orto botanico di Camerino (Botanic Garden of Camerino), Ducal Palace of Camerino, Temple of the Annunciation, Camerino – Giardini della Rocca d’Ajello (Ajello Fortress Gardens), Camerino - Church and Convent of the Cappuccini of Renacavata, Camerino- The Valentiniana Library, Camerino - Cathedral of SS. Annunziata
Flavors and Craft: Camerino - "Corsa alla Spada" and Palio
Different styles, sensational beauty
Art and Culture Spirituality and Meditation 4 days
Hospitality and spirituality for modern pilgrimages
Spirituality and Meditation 6 days
The hospitality is here
Rolling Hills and Ancient Villages 6 days
Towers, ramparts, citadels and majestic fortresses
Art and Culture Rolling Hills and Ancient Villages 2 days