Camerino- The Valentiniana Library


The Valentiniana Library  was founded in Camerino in 1802 due to the bequest of a nobleman from Camerino, Sebastiano Valentini, who was also a poet and a local historian.

At that time the library consisted of about 8,000 books, all of which of great value and about the major branches of knowledge of that time. Between 1860 and 1861 it was abundantly enriched due to arrival of the works coming from the abolished libraries of religious orders. Only 8.315 of these books belonged to the San Carlo library, the other ones were mainly of Franciscan origin.

Therefore there are very rare books in the Valentiniana library due to the ancient libraries of Camerino, such as those of the convent of St. Domenico, of the Philippines, of the Carlotti Brothers and the passion of intelligent and capable clergymen. Unfortunately the important library of the Da Varano noble family is scattered in Rome, Urbino,Ferrara, Parma, Piacenza , due to the splitting up of the family in the first half of the 16th century.

Most valuable are the approximately 1,000 books of Professor Bernardino Feliciangeli, a well- known scholar of the history of Camerino and the Da Varano noble family. The Library of Count Romano Romani, a lover of local art and history, conists of about 3,000 books, among which some precious 16th century editions; the library of Marquis Venanzio Varano, a writer descending from the ancient noble family consists of about 1,500 books including books and pamphlets and, last but not least, the collection of the famous musician Filippo Marchetti.

At the moment the heritage of the library includes hundreds of manuscripts and incunabula, about 10,000 16thcentury books, several tens of thousands of Italian and foreign books, books, mainly in the fields of science, dating back to the 17th- 20th centuries. Consequently this library is of particular interest for high- profile scientific researchers, especially those delving into literature, legislation, architecture, medicine, sacred sciences and science in general. Frequently foreign scholars contact the library. Noteworthy is also the collection of books regarding Camerino and the Marche in general, which is of particular interest for those who study the institutions and the cultural goods of Camerino during the centuries.

Manuscripts and codes are undoubtedly a very important collection of the library.

Due to the earthquake occurred in 2016 the library is closed.



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