Camerino - Cathedral of SS. Annunziata


The Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Camerino - San Severino Marche, dedicated to the Santissima Annunziata (Most Holy Annunciation), is the result of three successive building projects. Of the first 7th century church a few fragments of the crypt are still preserved. The second church in Romanesque-Gothic style was probably built at the end of the 12th century, although it was destroyed by a powerful earthquake in 1799. Lastly, today’s neoclassical Cathedral was rebuilt at the beginning of the 19th century by the architects Andrea Vici, a pupil of Vanvitelli, and Clemente Folchi. The imposing interior with a nave and two aisles houses valuable works of art, such as a 13th century polychrome wooden crucifix and interesting  17th century Mannerist paintings. Noteworthy is the group of the Madonna della Misericordia (Madonna of Mercy), a precious 15th century wooden artefact that is known to the people of Camerino as the Madonna bella (Beautiful Madonna). Carlo Crivelli painted a great polyptych for the cathedral which has been disassembled  and therefore the altarpiece is at present in Milan ( Brera picture gallery) and other parts in Europe and in the U.S.A.  The crypt houses another treasure of the Cathedral: the marble sarcophagus of Saint Ansovinus, Bishop of Camerino in the middle of the 9th century, who is venerated as co-patron saint along with Saint Venantius. It is a monumental Gothic tomb and is a fine example of 14th century Marche stone sculpture.

Due to the earthquake occurred in 2016, the cathedral is temporarily closed. For further information please write to:


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