Fano - The Carnival of Fano


Each year the city of Fano gets transformed to host the oldest Carnival in Italy (established in 1347): parades of giant floats in papier-machè, masquerades, music, hundreds of kilos of sweets launched from floats and a final stake in which The Great Pupo is burnt, make it unique and unforgettable. According to legend it has its roots in medieval times after the episode of reconciliation between the two most important families of Fano, the Del Casseros and the Da' Carignanos. Since then the Carnival has gradually characterized, so much so that in 1872 it was decided to create a committee to organize the event which even today, after centuries, involves more than one hundred of thousands of passionate Fano people and tourists. Fano Carnival also means... culture, exhibitions, theatre, art, food and drink, festivals, music and sports.


The Attractions of Fano

 Attraction location

Fano things to Watch

Discover the attraction Fano: The Montanari audiovisual library

Fano: The Montanari audiovisual library

The Montanari audiovisual Library is housed in a building which was designed by Giuseppe Balducci. He recycled the materials coming from the demolished convent...

Discover the attraction Mediateca Montanari - MeMo

Mediateca Montanari - MeMo

Mediateca Montanari stands on a very important site of Roman Fano. It is a wide area surrounded by “Portici” having colums made of brick, where the...

Discover the attraction The theatre of Fortune

The theatre of Fortune

The original Teatro della Fortuna in Fano was built in 1665 by the great theatre and set designer Giacomo Torelli though it was rebuilt in...

Discover the attraction Civic Museum

Civic Museum

On the ramp leading to the stairway is the mezzanine housing an interesting collection of 19th and 20th century paintings.In the centre of the room on...

Discover the attraction Fano - Cathedral of The Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Fano - Cathedral of The Assumption of the Virgin Mary

The Cathedral, dedicated to the Assumption, stands on Via Arco di Augusto. It was rebuilt in 1140 after a fire had destroyed the earlier building. Its...

Discover the attraction Fano: bike trail between  Fano and Pesaro

Fano: bike trail between Fano and Pesaro

The bike trail between Fano and Pesaro starts out from the Lido beach and stretches for about 13 km until it reaches Pesaro. The beginning of the bike trail is...