Civic Museum


On the ramp leading to the stairway is the mezzanine housing an interesting collection of 19th and 20th century paintings.
In the centre of the room on the right is the original bronze of the Statue of Fortune made by Donnino Ambrosi in 1593 for the fountain in the piazza. On the walls are 12 small oil paintings and a fine series of engravings recording the work done by the great scenographer and theatrical engineer Giacomo Torelli (1604-1678) for the theatres of Paris and Venice.
There are also coin-cases against the walls containing the most interesting items in the collection of Roman, medieval and modern coins, including those struck at the mint of Fano (15th to 18th century), the wonderful series of Malatesta medallions by Matteo de Pasti (1446) and those by Paolo Sanquirici to commemorate the construction of the Porto Borghese (1613).

Civic Art Gallery
Established in 1898 in the north-east wing of the Malatesta Palace, it conserves numerous paintings dating from the 14th to the 20th centuries.
The "Sala del Caminetto" houses paintings of the 14th and 15th centuries, among which are worth noting the Polyptych of "Madonna and Saints" attributed to the Venetian painter Michele Giambono and the painting by Giovanni Santi of "Madonna and Child enthroned with Saints".
In the "Sala Grande" are paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries, mainly from religious buildings. These include Guercino’s “Guardian Angel”, "Saint Nicholas of Bari in Glory” by Mattia Preti (nicknamed the “Calabrian Cavalier”) and fine paintings from the baroque Church of San Pietro in Valle, including a splendid "Annunciation" by Guido Reni, "Saint Peter raising Tabitha" by Matteo Loves and "Saint Peter healing the cripple" by Simone Cantarini.
The "Sala Morganti" contains paintings from the 18th century, including those by the Fano painter Sebastiano Ceccarini, while the last room houses a collection of 15th - 19th century ceramics.


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