Fano - Handicraft in Fano

Fano is famous for jewellery-making, thanks to internationally known craftsmen; the jewels are well-refined and show a skilful mastery in drawing and filigree techniques. The town boasts also a long standing tradition in wood and iron working, glass and metal making; do not forget  papier-mâché making, used for the construction of wagons during the annual Carnival parade.
Since the '80s Fano has been hosting  the fair-antiques market; it is held every second Saturday and Sunday of each month and draws many exhibitors of furnishings, furniture, ceramics, jewelery and religious items.

The Attractions of Fano

 Attraction location

Fano things to Watch

Discover the attraction Fano: the Federiciana Library

Fano: the Federiciana Library

In 1681 Abbot Federici joined the Congregation of the Philippines in the Oratory of St. Pietro in Valle. He brought his “libraria”, a valuable...

Discover the attraction Fano - Church of San Pietro in Valle

Fano - Church of San Pietro in Valle

Started in 1610 by Giovanni Battista Cavagna of Naples and inaugurated in 1616, the Church of San Pietro in Valle is today one of the finest baroque buildings...

Discover the attraction Fano: bike trail between  Fano and Pesaro

Fano: bike trail between Fano and Pesaro

The bike trail between Fano and Pesaro starts out from the Lido beach and stretches for about 13 km until it reaches Pesaro. The beginning of the bike trail is...

Discover the attraction Civic Museum

Civic Museum

On the ramp leading to the stairway is the mezzanine housing an interesting collection of 19th and 20th century paintings.In the centre of the room on...

Discover the attraction The theatre of Fortune

The theatre of Fortune

The original Teatro della Fortuna in Fano was built in 1665 by the great theatre and set designer Giacomo Torelli though it was rebuilt in...

Discover the attraction Fano - Church of S. Antonio Abate

Fano - Church of S. Antonio Abate

Located outside the city walls, it looks like a background for the so-called trebbio (i.e. crossroads), where via Bovio e via Cavour converge in Piazza Costanzi...