Camerino- Monastery of Santa Chiara

The Monastery of Santa Chiara is one the oldest religious sites of Camerino: it dates back to the second half of the 14th century. It was built under the Signoria of Giulio Cesare da Varano in 1483. Blessed Camilla Battista da Varano, Giulio Cesare’s daughter, lived there for forty years. She was canonized by Benedict XVI on October 17, 2010. Currently, her remains are kept in the crypt of church of the monastery. The monastery was opened in 1484. It now houses the community of Poor Clares. During the twentieth century, the monastery was restored several times. The last restoration was made in the 50s. The fresco on the ground floor is a sixteenth century work made by an unknown artist. The former refectory, housing a fresco made by Giovanni di Corraduccio, is full of furnishings and paintings. Worth mentioning is a sixteenth century painting typical of Perugino’s style, a manuscript copy of Antonio da Segovia, different brochures and a valuable miscellaneous code. The monastery has a guest house that can accommodate up to 13 people; it also provides accommodation in another building able to hold up to 32 people. A garden is also available.

Due to the earthquake occurred in 2016, the complex is badly damaged.

The Attractions of Camerino

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Camerino