Montefortino - Sanctuary of the Madonna dell'Ambro


The monumental Sanctuary is considered the little Lourdes of the Sibillini Mountains. It’s in Montefortino, between the Priora and Castel Manardo Mountains, in a isolated and wonderful scenery 683 meters above the sea level. It’s named after the Ambro creek, a tributary to the Tenna river.

After a miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary in the year 1000, the shepherdess Santina, dumb since her birth, could speak. A little chapel was built to remember this miracle. Local lords made gifts for the chapel in 1073. The sacred image of the Madonna del Lambro was moved to the new seat built by the municipality in 1602.

Painters and sculptors such as Martino Bonfini da Patrignone (XVII century), Domenico Malpiedi (1634), Virginio Parodi from the Vatican School (1928) have decorated the Chapel of the Madonna during the centuries.

At present Capuchin friars take care of the sanctuary and its surrounding area.

Due to the earthquake occurred in 2016, the sanctuary is closed. For further information please write to


Montefortino - Sanctuary of the Madonna dell'Ambro

Piazza del Santuario, s.n.c.
Montefortino (FM)

OPENING TIME: Mass celebrations: on holidays at 9.30 - 11.00 - 12.00 - 16.00 - 17.00; on non- working days at 4 p.m.

Belongs to: Shrines
Recommended for: Culture

The Attractions of Montefortino

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Montefortino