
Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 1 - Urbania (PU)
0722.313111 0722.317246
Attractively sited on the fast-flowing Metauro river, Urbania formerly known as "Casteldurante", is a striking small town, famous for or the production of pottery and majolica. 
The town is surrounded by old walls; Piazza San Cristoforo is flanked by the nineteenth century statue of the town's saint and the Bramante Theatre. The Palazzo Ducale is one of the main attractions: built entirely in brick, currently houses the library, founded by Federico da Montefeltro, and the Civic Museum which boasts 14th century frescoes, maps of Mercator, a fine collection of Ubaldini drawings and engravings, a collection of 16th-18th century maps, and a collection of contemporary ceramics. The basement of the building now house the Museum of Agriculture and crafts. The most remarkable churches are: the baroque Church of San Francesco; the Church of the Dead, which houses a dozen leathery mummified corpses hanging like washing in a row of glass-fronted cabinets; the Cathedral, dedicated to San Cristoforo, built on the foundations of the ancient abbey of San Cristoforo del Ponte.  Must see attractions are also the sixteenth-century town hall and the former Bishop's Palace. Not far from the town center is the Ducal Park or Barco: here you'll find here a villa and the Church of San Giovanni Battista.
From the geological point of view, Urbania boasts the prestigious GSSP, a site of world geological interest (geosity), as it represents the reference standard for the definition of the chronostratigraphic limit between the Rupelian plan with the Cattiano plan, the two stratigraphic planes in which the oligocene era is divided. The GSSP (Global Stratotype Section and Point) of Mount Cagnero in Urbania is among the 10 GSSPs recognized in Italy. 
Two famous local products are: the white truffle (tuber magnatum Pico) and the black truffle, normally called scorzone. Crostolo, a kind of flat bread filled with salami, pecorino cheese and herbs, is very tasty. Bostrengo is the local cake, made with rice, nuts and further ingredients. The most important event taking place in Urbania is the Befana Festival


The Attractions of Urbania

 Attraction location

Urbania things to Watch

Discover the attraction

"Ca' Mocetto" Balcony - Urbania

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Urbania - Ducal Palace

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Biblioteca Ubaldini

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Monastero di S. Chiara

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Urbania - GSSP of Mount Cagnero

The GSSP is a site of world geological interest (geosity), as it represents the reference standard for the definition of the chronostratigraphic limit between...

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Pieve del Colle Balcony

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Itineraries to visit Urbania